Are you considering Dental Implant treatment?
Here at Atrium Dental, we are pleased to offer a FREE Initial Consultation. We'll listen to your wishes and concerns, explain the process and options and then help you choose the right treatment for your individual needs.
Until quite recently, traditional dentures and bridges were the only options for replacing missing teeth. Some people cannot comfortably wear dentures, they find them painful, they don’t remain in place, and they can cause embarrassing clicking noises when you eat, speak or laugh.
Traditional bridges are damaging to the, often, healthy and untouched teeth that are used to support them. The Dental Implant has none of these disadvantages. Improved techniques and advances in the materials used for Dental Implants have made them a much better alternative for many people.
Gaps in your teeth can lead to increased stresses on your other teeth and affect the way you bite and chew. A dental bridge is a permanent fixture comprising one or more false teeth and is used to fill the gap after the natural tooth has been lost through injury or extraction.
A dental bridge is a simple and effective way to get a fixed replacement for missing teeth.
Dental Implant secured dentures are sometimes called overdentures. As implant-supported full bridges and dentures will replace some of your tooth roots, your bone is better preserved. With conventional dentures, the bone that previously surrounded the tooth roots begins to deteriorate and shrink away. Dental Implants integrate with your jawbone, helping to keep the bone healthy and intact.
A lower denture may only need two conventional implants to give a completely life-changing transformation to your ability to chew foods and smile with renewed confidence. This treatment requires minimal surgery, and, in many cases, your current denture can be attached to the Dental Implants in just a few weeks.
Here at Atrium Dental we offer dental plans via DPAS. Spread the cost of routine examinations and hygiene treatment AND enjoy 10% off any further treatment if required.